Songs that Ride
Songs that ride make me feel lifted. Like I’m floating. Without smoking.
The feel of a song that rides makes me want to dance in the middle of the floor all by myself. Lights on in the club. Still dancing. Because I’m not leaving until the song is done. Or at least until the bridge is over. The bridge. There’s something about the bridge. The part when your favorite DJ cuts up. No music. Only claps. Just the vibe of voices singing their favorite part.
Songs that ride let the beat breath and I hold my breath the whole time. The whole time I don’t want to let go of what the song has given me. It’s given me a dose of feel good and it feels too good to just let go.
Songs that ride require me to close my eyes as it plays. You experience it better when your senses are one man down. They pay more attention. That sixth sense kicks in because you can’t see and can only feel things you can’t touch.
Songs that ride take me on one. A 4 minute ride with no bumps or breaks.
Songs that ride are a mixture of tempos that can’t be slumped with sad songs. Classed within their own category of cool.
Songs that ride go off in the car. They ride with you. My favorite passenger. Amplified at 11:00pm on the way home. Amplified in the dark. They stand out and can’t get loud enough. Bass can’t go hard enough. Highway happiness. Makes you wish you had further to go. Take the long way home. Just a little more time to run it back.
A vibe on record,
An instant mewd.
This song rides.