Eat then Shower, or Shower then Eat

I think we can all agree that food at the end of the night is important. Deciding what to eat is an essential step to the wind down after a night on the town and in the streets.

Picture this. It’s 1:30am and the drinks have settled. The buzz has been achieved, the night has been had, and the Uber has been requested. From the moment the Uber was called you were already getting up the guts to ask the driver to make a quick stop at that Taco Bell around the corner if the line wasn’t too long. 

“Heyyyy, excuse me.. so quick question..” 

Shoes off. “Made it home” text sent. Pee. The food has been acquired and the time has come to ask the ever important question..

Eat then shower, or shower then eat.

It may seem like an insignificant decision but real ones know. It’s a decision that matters and there are a few different things one must ask.. 

How hungry am I? Do I want to be comfortable when I eat this food or do I care? How excited am I to eat this food? Do I feel yucky from alcohol? Did I buy anything that will get soggy if I don’t eat it quick? Am I drunk? How long have I had this makeup on? Do I wanna eat in bed or on the couch? Am I eating alone or with company?

When I want to end my night with a subtle bang; I already know what I want to watch on Hulu; I’m ready to wash off this face and eat while wearing a clean tank and shorts. The perfect conclusion to the tequila tastings of the evening. I’ll go ahead and shower then eat so my evening ends slow and cozy.

If I’m still a little lit, have a bit of energy, the gang’s all here, and I’m mad hungry? I’ll go ahead and smash whatever was on the menu for the night. Superbly satisfied. And then shower after.

It may not be a question you realized you contemplated or maybe you don’t ask yourself at all. As someone who is very particular on how they experience almost anything, for this scenario, the question remains..

Eat then shower or shower then eat.




Seasonal Cinema